- 双语例句
They sat at the table , where a candelabra was already casting flickering gold light table settings.
And Sasha , all of a tremor with gratitude, set the candelabra before the doctor.
萨沙由于满心感激而发抖, 把一个大烛台放在医师面前.
Happily for you we have succeeded in picking up the pair to your candelabra!
In the evening the candelabra, carefully wrapped up, was duly carried to Shashkin's.
当天傍晚,大烛台就给包得严严实实, 送到喜剧演员沙希金那儿去了.
It was a not very tall candelabra of old bronze and artistic workmanship.
The pictures, too, show an attractive room with slightly western influences candelabra and candles, not Chinese!
图片也显示了有西方影响吸引力的餐厅装饰布置-特别是蜡烛台和蜡烛, 这不是中国样式的!
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