- 双语例句
Here aperient profit , hinterland is capacious, situation is advantageous.
这里交通便利, 腹地广阔, 地理位置优越.
People is chickenshit, heart is capacious.
People is chickenshit, hart is capacious.
人是渺小的, 心灵是广阔的.
In capacious and bright meeting hall beaming.
He has a capacious memory.
Trolley Case has capacious storage room and fully multipurpose departments, detachable waterproof bag for washing items.
宽敞的储物空间及丰富的物件管理隔层设计, 内部配有可拆卸的洗漱袋,防水材料.
The advantage in transportation and the support of government gave NCNE a capacious development space.
Capacious: Capable of containing a large quantity; spacious or roomy.
宽敞的: 能够容纳很大数量的; 宽敞的或宽松的.
The boat was capacious. The boat's large canopy was made of green and brown canvas.
船很宽敞,它的顶蓬是一块绿褐色的帆布, 算是这艘船不错的伪装.
He is perched on a large rawboned hunter, half covered by a capacious saddle.
他骑一匹瘦骨伶仃的大马, 用的鞍子很大,把马背遮掉了一半.
Professor Johnson a man of capacious mind.
The private barber parlor was in an annex adjoining a capacious bathroom.
She carried a capacious bag.
Within the vector space, enterprise is provided with capacious room to pilot requirements in many aspects.
在客户需求矢量空间中, 企业具有广阔的余地来对客户需求加以多方面的引导.
The initial thrust must come in the region of a capacious harbor.
North and south just can be cultivated, home, outside market prospect is capacious.
南北方都可种植, 国内 、 外市场前景广阔.
He has a capacious mind [ memory ].
他心胸开阔 [ 记忆力强 ].
SHUNFA Leather Factory is in the high speed development, foreground is very capacious.
顺发皮具厂处于一个高速发展的阶段, 前景无限广阔.
He has a capacious mind.
Gradually his capacious chin encroached upon the borders of the white cravat.
Superior area environment provided capacious hinterland and vast space for the development of Macao economy.
Our company will provide a capacious develop space, favorable job training, and competitive salary.
公司将提供较大的发展空间, 良好的在职培训, 富有竞争力的薪资水平.
Jiang Hanping regards agriculture as the area formerly, once because capacious and abundant and famed.
江汉平原作为农业地区, 曾经因为广阔富饶而闻名.
The Ocean, that hospitable friend to the wretched, opened her capacious arms to receive Jones.
海洋, 这个不幸者的慷慨好客的朋友, 向琼斯张开了宽大的臂膀.
Each airline that is China offered overall news service and capacious cent to sell a field.
So poetic talent says: A clover, plus my imagination, it is a capacious prairie.
所以诗人才说: 一支三叶草, 再加上我的想象, 便是一片广阔的草原.
His forehead is capacious and high, but square and heavy and unpleasantly shining.
他脑门子又阔又高, 四四方方,显得很迟钝,而且亮晃晃的,叫人很不愉快.
When you come to the village, of greet is to arrange orderly aa citizen, capacious street.
当你来到村里时, 映入眼帘的是排列整齐的民房 、 宽敞的街道.
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