- 双语例句
Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large carnivore; insectivorous plants are considered carnivores.
暴龙是一种大型的食肉动物; 食虫植物被看作食肉动物.
Tyrannosaurus rex was a large carnivore.
Bob, could you help the carnivore cut his meat.
鲍伯, 你帮这个小食肉动物切一下好吗?
There's definitely a conflict in being a vegan that lives with a tiny carnivore.
It is a carnivore, but it doesn't have any teeth.
它是一种食肉动物, 却没有牙齿.
And on your left, you have Tyrannosaurus Rex, a carnivore from the Jurassic period.
在您的左边, 您看到的是暴龙, 一种来自侏罗纪的肉食动物.
Either of two species in the carnivore family Mustelidae.
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