- 双语例句
The meat was chewy and the sauce was glutinous and tasted artificial.
A hard , chewy candy made of brown sugar or molasses and butter.
爆米花和稠糖或糖蜜、焦糖糖浆混合, 抟成球.
Goji berries are chewy and taste like a cross between a cranberry and a cherry.
The texture is soft and chewy.
The beef was overcooked and too chewy to swallow.
The meat was too chewy.
This kind of chewy French bread is father's favorite.
This creates its characteristic hard , glazed crust and chewy interior.
After milled, the in filling is a smooth, even and nice chewy texture with good fluidity.
灌芯料经球磨后具有芯料流动性好 、 光滑 、 均匀、口感性好等优点.
Chewy CandyWe offer other kinds of candies with very good prices . welcome your earlist inquiry . Regards.
我们提供各种包装形式的跳跳糖,也有其余糖果类品质, 欢迎来函来电咨询.
Meaty: Describes red wines that show plenty of concentration and a chewy quality.
肉(味)的: 形容红葡萄酒展现出大量的浓郁度以及一个耐嚼的性质.
If you prefer a thick chewy crust , use steam during the first 10 minutes of baking.
面包一进箱, 我用喷水壶立马朝烤箱四周喷洒水以起到蒸汽作用.
Gum base is made mostly of synthetic chemicals, and these chemicals give gum chewy property.
胶剂大多是合成化学品, 这些化学物质让橡胶易于咀嚼.
Love, like chewing gum. chewing a chewy, not the taste. they should immediately tudiao.
爱情, 就想口香糖, 嚼一嚼.没味了, 就应该马上吐掉.
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