- 双语例句
Singing, adjusting self, confiding to friends and writing are the ways to let out my anxiety.
当我焦躁时,我会去唱歌发泄, 我会自我调整, 我会找朋友倾诉,我会用文字来表达我的感觉!
Arbatov feigned embarrassment beautifully, speaking as though he were confiding a great family secret.
阿尔巴托夫显出一副尴尬相,装得很到家, 像是在吐露家里的一桩大秘事.
So the reserve went off , and they were confiding and warm.
她们中间的隔膜,就这样化除了, 又都亲亲热热地说起体面话来.
First she was suspicious, then she became confiding.
起初她很怀疑; 后来她就相信了.
Confiding has become one necessity of people's emotion.
Her sentiments towards him were compounded of all that was respectful, grateful, confiding, and tender.
她对他的感情包含有千种尊敬, 万种感激, 无限信任, 及一腔柔情.
The girl is of a confiding nature.
The poet expresses his deep sadness and sober criticism while confiding his love for the homestead.
Look , my father doesn't do anything, great or small, without confiding in me.
我父作事, 无论大小, 没有不叫我知道的.
Celia, though confiding her opinion only to Andrew, disagreed.
西莉亚却不这么看, 尽管她只向安德鲁吐露过.
I could kick myself for confiding in him.
Stanley was confiding to Crott.
Melanie reached out and took Scarlett's hand in a gentle confiding clasp.
And why was he confiding this information to me?
Ford's letters to her are fond and confiding.
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