- 双语例句
We want to get away from the politics of outdated dogmatism and class confrontation.
His creation was an antithesis to academic dogmatism of the time.
That is one reason why we have remained opposed to dogmatism toward the theory of Marxism.
That is why we have combatting subjectivism, which has two aspects: dogmatism and empiricism.
反对主观主义有两个方面, 即反对教条主义和反对经验主义.
Later, we repudiated dogmatism and came to learn a little more dialectics.
He removed the dogmatism from politics; he erased the party line.
他根除了政治中的教条主义, 消除了政党界限.
We cannot allow dogmatism to stand in the way of progress.
In present circumstances, revisionism is more pernicious than dogmatism.
在现在的情况下, 修正主义是比教条主义更有害的东西.
Dogmatism should be criticized, or else many mistakes cannot be rectified.
教条主义应当受到批判,不批判教条主义, 许多错事不能改正.
At the same time as we criticize dogmatism, we must direct our attention to criticizing revisionism.
我们在批判教条主义的时候, 必须同时注意对修正主义的批判.
There are few grounds for dogmatism in any discussion on grass seed mixtures.
Their chief mistake at the time was dogmatism, transplanting foreign experience mechanically.
他们当时的主要错误,就是教条主义, 硬搬外国的经验.
The ideology of CPSU and social sciences were dominated by dogmatism.
At present dogmatism is not the question, for it has not evolved into a line.
教条主义现在不是个路线问题, 因为它没有形成.
For a long time now people have been levelling a lot of criticism at dogmatism.
There are a number of people whose thinking errs on the side of dogmatism.
Both dogmatism and revisionism run counter to Marxism.
First, our party neither represents dogmatism nor revisionism.
首先, 我们党既不代表教条主义也不代表修正主义.
Dogmatism is puppyish coming to its full growth.
Dogmatism is a malady in the academic research nowadays.
Nevertheless, there is still dogmatism today.
Dogmatism is being criticized by various kinds of people.
Hence there are two kinds of subjectivism in our Party, dogmatism and empiricism.
When dogmatism turns into its opposite, it becomes either Marxism or revisionism.
教条主义走向反面, 或者是马克思主义,或者是修正主义.
But dogmatism o is not more likely under the objective standpoint than under any other.
However, of the two kinds of subjectivism, dogmatism is still the greater danger in our Party.
但是在这两种主观主义中, 现在在我们党内还是教条主义更为危险.
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