- 双语例句
Over time, the protein in the eggshell breaks down into its constituent amino acids.
Ghosts crowd the young childs fragile eggshell mind.
A new fortified noodle using eggshell powder as calcium source was made in this paper.
The processing of calcium acetate from eggshell was studied.
You see, here on the Serengeti, the sound of a cracked eggshell is like a newsflash.
你看, 在非洲大草原上, 啃噬蛋壳的声音就像一个简短的新闻报道.
This eggshell china, pure , white and translucent, has an irresistible charm.
这件纯净透明, 洁白无瑕的薄胎瓷器, 魅力无穷.
The mixed mushroom total of every commercial eggshell polluted is 1423.
Eggshell antique: Soft, bulky paper with a slilghtly dull matt surface, like of an egg shell.
蛋壳仿古纸: 软而厚的纸.表面像蛋壳的无光泽和粗糙.
What's the difference , the uninitiated may ask, between eggshell white and wedding gown white ( Wall Street Journal )
没有经验的人可能会问, 蛋壳白色和结婚礼服白色之间有什么差别 ( 华尔街期刊 )
According to Pitcairn, there is 1,800 mgs. of calcium per teaspoon of eggshell powder.
根据一些测试, 一茶匙蛋壳粉里, 含有1800毫克的钙.
The walls had been painted an eggshell white.
He, through the Internet, found a supply of ostrich eggshell channels.
他通过互联网, 找到了一条供应鸵鸟蛋壳的渠道.
In this paper, eggshell ultrastructure of fowl had been studied by high power scanning microscope.
A Thai artist puts finishing touches on a decorated ostrich eggshell in Bangkok.
Through hatching egg by hen, the chicken would break the eggshell and see the world.
当一只母鸡孵在蛋上, 小鸡就会在里面慢慢成形,直到最后啄开蛋壳出来.
" When the goose is in the eggshell there is no bone, "
“ 当鹅还在蛋壳里的时候,没有骨头. ”
——英汉非文学 - 民俗
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