- 双语例句
Even for an artificial insemination, at least the man must reach orgasm and ejaculate.
甚至为了人工授精, 至少男性必须达到性高潮和射精.
Women do not produce semen andas a rule, do not ejaculate.
女性不产精, 结果就不射精.
Since women do not ejaculate anything, nobody paid any attention to their spontaneous orgasms.
因为她们不会射出任何东西, 人们并不关注她们的自发性高潮.
He's just aggravated I won't ejaculate in his ass ( Uhh ! ) .
他已经被激怒了我不会再往他的屁股里 shejing 了.
From all external evidence these men do not seem to ejaculate at all.
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