- 双语例句
They are also home to various wildlife, including bison, elk , coyotes, and prairie dogs.
它们也是各式野生动物的家乡, 包括北美野牛 、 美洲赤鹿 、 郊狼及草原土拨鼠.
There we saw American bison, elk, mountains, hot springs, and the Old Faithful geyser.
在那儿我们看过北美野牛, 麋, 山, 温泉, 和“老忠实”喷泉.
Imagine hunting elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center.
Those states have done a superb job of managing their deer, elk and bear.
这些州在管理野鹿 、 麋鹿和野熊方面做的很好.
Now back, established the milu deer dafeng elk nature reserve.
现麋鹿回国后, 建立了大丰麋鹿自然保护区.
In the animal world, similar diseases occur in mink, mule deer, and elk.
在动物世界, 类似的疾病在水貂 、 骡鹿和麋鹿中也发生过.
They hunted the buffalo, deer, elk, rabbits and many other animals which lived in the grasslands.
他们射猎水牛, 鹿, 麋鹿, 兔子和许多其他的动物,并生活在这片大草原上.
This is the Dafeng Elk Nature Reserve.
Picture 2, Elk Grove Chinese Association 10 th anniversary cake.
I see an elegant elk.
Elk Grove Chinese Assocation Membership Required to join EGCA Photography Club. CLICK HERE to join EGCA.
糜鹿林华人联谊会摄影小组只供糜鹿林华人联谊会员加入. 加入糜鹿林华人联谊会请按此.
The building sits on a hillside overlooking the National Elk Refuge.
I just want to sell elk a respirator.
Here is the hometown of elk, cranes. Is the coastal development country key cities.
这里是世界珍奇动物麋鹿 、 丹顶鹤的故乡, 是国家实施沿海开发的重点城市之一.
Unfortunately, elk absolutely love aspen trees, which meant that soon enough they were all gone.
不幸的是, 驼鹿显然酷爱白杨树, 很快,白杨树绝迹了.
We both have common interests, which include sailing and elk hunting in winter.
这里要说得具体, 告诉面试官你已经形成了一种能和各种各样的人一起工作的风格.
Numerous travelers head for Elk, and other north coast getaways, to enjoy the spectacles of nature.
无数的旅客前往厄尔克以及其他北海岸远离尘嚣的旅游区, 来享受大自然的盛景.
The refuge contains the largest wintering population of elk in the world.
It had an estimated elk this season.
Create and maintain ELK spare part list and documentation.
It was quite an Elk night.
——英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
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I was close enough to the elk to hear its labored breathing.
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