- 双语例句
Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism are all caused by an imperfectly shaped eyeball, cornea, or lens.
近视 、 远视及散光都是由于眼球 、 角膜或水晶体变形引起的.
During letting wine sit, eyeball of inclined strabismus of wife morning man, allude him to sit.
把酒让坐之际, 妻子朝丈夫斜斜眼睛, 暗示他坐上位.
Palpation revealed a stony hard left eyeball and his visual acuity bad also deteriorated.
Blink your eyes to spread the ointment over the surface of the eyeball.
That prevents the eyeball collapsing.
The bumping and shaking make extra work for your eyeball muscles.
The zebra, attracts the eyeball the external image.
斑马, 吸引眼球的外在形象.
After the corneal flap is lowered backsintosplace, it quickly adheres to the eyeball.
割开的角膜复位以后, 就会迅速地附着在眼球上.
This time, they noticed a small black mark directly in the center of my father's eyeball.
这一次, 他们看到一个小黑点正好在父亲的眼球中央.
As the fan, enjoys the cage game the first organ often always the eyeball.
作为球迷, 享受篮球运动的第一器官往往总是眼球.
Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball.
Moreover, the eyeball driven media and judiciary are more than happy to offer a helping hand.
何况, 不仅有以吸引眼球为最高目的的媒体的追捧,更有司法机关的保驾.
Methods Review the complication of 13 eyes after evisceration of eyeball with hydroxyapatite implantation immediately.
Hair post is to attract eyeball.
You prepared to let me stub it out on your eyeball?
你同意我在你的眼球上熄掉它 吗 ?
It was spontaneous and heartfelt and specific, delivered in real time, eyeball to eyeball.
它是自发、由衷、明确的; 它是实时并且面对面进行的.
Objective To explore the effect of HA in correcting enophthalmos and eyeball sink.
His eyeball is static.
He says, using this method to apply for a job is to catch person eyeball.
他说, 用这个方法求职就是为了抓人眼球.
An instrument for measuring hydrostatic pressure within the eyeball, used in the detection of glaucoma.
眼压计一种测量眼球中流体静压力的仪器, 用于检查白内障.
And if you have the paper, you don't bother to eyeball those ads on the website.
如果你有报纸看, 你就不会费事去看网上的那些广告.
The quarrel couple stand in the sit room, eyeball to eyeball.
夫妻俩站在起居室里吵架,你瞪著我, 我瞪著你.
Objective To investigate the effect of implantation of spherical allogeneic biological material implant after eyeball enucleation.
However, most attracts the eyeball female Director Li Shaohong.
不过, 最吸引眼球的还是女导演李少红.
Herein, we describe two traumatic eyeball displacement cases subsequent to traffic accident.
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