- 双语例句
Before we open business, we need to get our new shop facelift.
在我们开幕之前, 新店需要大整顿.
Is their old website several years oldand just in need of a general facelift?
Thea: Well, she's just gone into hospital for a facelift.
西亚: 嗯, 她刚刚去了医院,做整容手术.
to have a facelift
Radiofrequency is a procedure that offers an alternative to the traditional facelift.
Non Surgical facelift practically means performing a facelift without surgical procedure.
And the northern section will mainly receivea facelift as it is a commercial street.
We look at this reintroduction as a facelift to a proven winner.
Nothing gives a room a faster facelift than a coat of paint.
Brian: Charity work? Don't be ridiculous! I'm here for a facelift. I look so ancient.
布莱恩: 慈善活动? 别荒谬了! 我是来整容的, 我看起来太老了.
But there's far more to 2003 XTR than just a facelift.
Actor Michael Douglas admitted to facelift before his marriage to actress Catherine Zeta Jones in 2000.
迈克尔.道格拉斯承认自己2000年在与凯瑟琳. 泽塔琼斯结为连理之前做了拉皮手术.
If I got a facelift, I could shave fifteen years off my age.
A man to have a facelift for his birthday.
More than a facelift, the new model marks a fundamental change of direction.
那种新型号不只是表面变动, 而是标志着根本性的方向变化.
In March 2006 website, which has a new facelift, to create a globally oriented shopping network.
2006年3月网站已全新改版, 致力于打造一个面向全球的购物网.
Coming up, want a facelift without going under the knife? I'll tell you how.
接下来, 想要不用手术刀就接受面部除皱 吗 ?我会告诉大家如何进行.
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