- 双语例句
He has a forbearing nature; he accepts trouble with a smile.
他天生容忍, 遇到麻烦都能一笑了事.
Please have a forbearing heart.
Be humble, be harmless, gave no pretension, be upright, forbearing, serve you teacher in true obedience.
要谦虚, 无恶意, 不虚伪, 要正直, 宽容, 对你的老师要真正的服从.
Thank you for being so forbearing.
It is good to them forbearing and puts up with what they do.
I found him a very patient, very forbearing, and yet an exacting master.
我发现他是一个很有耐心, 很有自制力, 然而又是一个要求严格的老师.
It is the responsibility of parents to teach their children to be polite , courteous, and forbearing.
但是, 老师和学校管理也决不应成为伦理道德教育的旁观者.
KJV By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a soft tongue breaketh the bone.
[新译]恒久忍耐可以劝服掌权的人, 柔和的舌头,可以折断骨头.
His wife has a forbearing nature; she accepts trouble with a smile.
他妻子天生容忍, 遇到麻烦都能一笑了事.
I have been so far forbearing with you.
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