hang, depend, hinge, turn
depend侧重思想上的悬念,无法进行预测,常指对某物的未来情景捉摸不定; hinge侧重思想上的悬念; hang不太侧重事件的捉摸不定或没把握的成功等; turn侧重旋转和对变化的、偶然的东西的依赖。例如:
Whether he goes back to jail depends on whether he violates parole.他是否重回监狱得看他假释期是否犯罪而定。
Everything hinges on where we go next.一切要看我们下一步去哪里而定。
The future of the company hangs on the outcome of his meeting.公司的前途取决于这次会议的结果。
The success of the negotiations turns on getting the agreement of the Italian delegation.谈判的成功依赖于取得意大利代表团的同意。
hang, dangle, sling, suspend
这组词都有“悬挂”的意思。它们的区别是:hang指一端固定在一点或一条线上,另一端悬在空中的状态,也指依附在一点上; dangle指晃来晃去地吊着某物; sling指用吊索轻松地吊起笨重的物体或指吊在肩上; suspend指悬浮在空中可以灵活运动。例如:
Hang the picture on the wall.把画挂在墙上。
He sat on the edge of the table dangling his legs.他坐在桌子沿上,悬荡着双腿。
He stood up and slung his gun over his shoulder.他站起来把枪往肩上一背。
They could see the dust suspended in the beam of light.他们能看见悬浮在那道光中的灰尘。
hang, kill, murder, shoot
1.kill是一般用语,指任何致死的行动,不能表示“杀而未死”; murder主要指用非法手段蓄意地、有预谋地杀害某人; shoot专指用枪打死或用非法手段暗杀某人,本词有“打(杀)而未必死”之义,故若强调“打(杀)死”时需要其他词的辅助,常见的结构有:
shoot...and kill..., shoot...to death, shoot...dead等; hang特指“绞死或吊死”。例如:
She killed him with a hammer.她用铁锤砸死了他。
He was murdered by his brother.他被他哥哥谋杀了。
He shot a lion with his rifle.他用步枪打中一头狮子。
He was hanged for murder.他因杀人而被绞死。
2.kill的宾语可以用于人,也可用于动物、植物; shoot的宾语可以用于人,也可用于动物; murder, hang的宾语只用于人,不能用于动物、植物。例如:
The frost killed the flowers.严霜使花枯死。
He shot a bird and killed it.他打中了一只鸟,并且把它打死了。
She murdered her husband.她谋杀了她的丈夫。
He hanged himself in sorrow after his wife died. 他妻子死后,他在悲痛之下吊死了。
He pointed to a picture hanging in the cor- ner.
He pointed to a picture hung in the corner.