- 双语例句
Objective To compare effects of two vagina preparation in complete hysterectomy under abdominoscope.
The ratio of abdominal to vaginal hysterectomy is approximately 3:1.
Myth 12 : I must hae a hysterectomy to treat cervical cancer.
误解 12: 我必须采取子宫切除术治疗宫颈癌.
Objective : To investigate Endocrinological function after ovarian transposition and radical hysterectomy in patients with cervical cancer.
There is a small rim of vaginal cuff from this hysterectomy specimen.
Laparoscopic surgical procedures include gallbladder, appendix , and tumour removal ; tubal ligation; and hysterectomy.
腹腔镜在手术上的应用有切除胆囊 、 阑尾和肿瘤, 以及输卵管结扎和子宫切除术.
Objective To explore the method and effect of abdominal subtotal hysterectomy.
Objective : To study the clinical effect of abdominal hysterectomy with Joel Cohen incision.
目的: 探讨JoelCohen切口子宫切除术的临床价值.
Objective : To study the operative methods and the clinical effect interstitial supracervical hysterectomy ( CISH ).
目的: 探讨腹腔镜筋膜内子宫切除术 ( CISH ) 的手术方法和临床效果.
Irregular or prolonged menstruation and hysterectomy were associated both with chronic LBP and chronic UEP.
Objective : To analyze the development and prevention of urine retention postoperative epidural analgesia after hysterectomy.
目的: 探讨经腹式全子宫切除术后病人留置镇痛泵的尿潴留情况及护理预防措施.
Stopping illegal delivery can decrease no necessary hysterectomy.
B. Hysterectomy is effective relieving chronic pelvic pain in some women, who have completed child bearing.
子宫切除术对部分患者的慢性盆腔痛有效, 这些患者必须是已育的.
Methods: 26 patients who were scheduled to receive radical hysterectomy were enrolled in this study.
方法: 26位择期行宫颈癌根治术的患者入选本实验.
Aim To study the clinical value of nursing way and laparoscopic in hysterectomy.
Objective To study clinical value of the bipolar coagulation in laparoscopic hysterectomy.
Descending Perineum Syndrome: Are Abdominal Hysterectomy and Bowel Habits Linked?
会阴下降综合征 —— 腹式子宫切除术和肠排便习惯有关系 吗 ?
Objective To explore the nursing care and cooperation of total hysterectomy with laparoscopy.
Method: To analyze 23 cases of pathological diagnosed myoma of uterus after hysterectomy using revision analyze.
方法: 采用回顾性分析的方法,对子宫全切术后病理诊断子宫平滑肌瘤的23例病历进行分析.
Objective : To explore the superiority of uterine body centre ectomy to the traditional subtotal hysterectomy.
目的: 探讨子宫体中心切除术与传统子宫次切术相比的优越性.
Objective : To study the possibility of decreasing the incidence of obstetric hysterectomy and complications.
目的: 探讨降低产科子宫切除术及并发症发生的可能性.
Objective To evaluate the methods and results of transvaginal hysterectomy and ventrifixation for treating uterine prolapse.
An emergency peripartum hysterectomy was performed due to placenta accreta and intractable hemorrhage.
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