- 双语例句
Yes , sir , trapped into frittering his life away playing nursemaid to a lot of garlic? eaters.
是的, 被困在这儿虚度光阴,充当保姆侍候 一大 帮吃大蒜的人.
Black nursemaid, especially one formerly in the southern United States.
黑人保姆黑人保姆女佣, 尤指历史上''.'美国'.''南方''.'诸州'. ''中的黑人保姆.
Consequently, the black mother, normally a domestic or nursemaid , was the family provider by default.
结果, 通常充当家庭佣人和保姆的黑人母亲们, 就是不出场的家庭供养者.
When I was a child, my nursemaid sang to me whenever I was worried or afraid.
小时候每当我感到忧虑害怕的时候, 保姆总是会给我唱歌.
On entering the room, the nursemaid found the dove's body resting in peace beside the Princess.
Mrs jamieson: Why must you play nursemaid to your servant's child?
The next morning, an old nursemaid came to feed the dove on behalf of the Princess.
次日早上, 一个老女仆来帮公主喂鸽子.
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