- 双语例句
Good acidity , moderate body, really sweet , nutty aroma with smooth, flavor.
酸度适中, 中等醇度, 甘甜顺滑, 香味, 坚果味.
This cheese is matured for at least 10 months producing a nutty, well rounded flavour.
Uniqely , heavy body, low acidity , pleasant nutty aroma , distinctive syrupy, exotic flavor.
极浓郁醇度, 低酸度, 带有独特坚果香气和花香味.
Chick peas have a distinctive, delicious and nutty flavour.
Caraway has a nutty smell and is also an herb useful to digestion.
Diners can enjoy succulent cherry tomatoes filled with a nutty sesame sauce.
Sole fillet baked in a pumpkin with healthful multicolor vegetables and a rich, creamy, nutty sauce.
龙俐鱼在南瓜中煎烤,点缀着营养健康、色彩丰富的蔬菜和浓厚 、 奶油味和果仁味十足的酱料.
The wild turkey often has a nutty taste when cooked.
Bouquet: Intense, fruity , aromatic, with scents of wisteria . Taste: Extremely pleasant, with a lightly nutty finish.
特色:香气: 香气强烈, 有果香和紫藤花香.口感: 非常怡人, 余味有少许干果味.
That idea was pretty nutty. Not to mention stupid.
Just don't go nutty plastering on the tasty spread, since it is high in calories.
花生酱虽然味美, 但含热量高,所以也不能涂得过多.
Can be baked whole or scooped and mashed with garlic to bring out the nutty flavour.
The wine has a nutty flavor and a pleasant finish.
Good acidity , moderate body, really sweet , nutty aroma with smooth, rich flavor.
酸度适中, 中等醇度, 甘甜顺滑,香味, 坚果味,余味有淡淡巧克力的味道.
You can never get a sensible answer out of Charles; he's as nutty fruit cake.
你根本不能从查尔斯那里得到明知的答复, 他像个傻子.
He looked like a nutty professor.
Oh, I see , she's so nutty because she has too much extra energy.
I love her nutty behaviour!
She's nutty as a fruitcake .
Tom is as nutty as a fruitcake. They will put him in a nuttery someday.
汤姆真是古怪极了. 他们总有一天要把他送人疯人院.
My dog has gone nutty. He just chases his tail all day and night.
我的狗真是疯了, 整天整夜追自己的尾巴.
That's a nutty idea.
He looked all right, but when he began to talk, we saw that he was as nutty as a fruitcake.
他看来没什么, 但当他一开口说话, 我们就看得出他已疯得很厉害了.
She's got some nutty friends.
Nutty flew out backwards, hitting her head hard against the Volkswagen door panel.
纳提向后面冲过来, 她的头狠狠地撞上了大众车车门板.
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