- 双语例句
Accentuate the word " accent " on the first syllable.
在 “ accent ” 一词的第一个音节上加重音符号.
Gibberellic acid may also accentuate the trend toward maleness.
Lighting and material details accentuate the ripple effect.
But global warming is bound to accentuate the scarcity , say experts.
In patients suffering from shock, the drug may accentuate the underlying disorder.
对休克患者, 该药可加重潜在性疾.
It helps accentuate my curls, and It'smells great.
它帮我的卷发看起来更自然卷曲, 而且很好闻.
She has beautiful eyes, so we should accentuate them in the makeup.
她眼睛很美丽, 我们在化妆时应该突出她的眼睛.
Is acupuncture cure sciatica good? Can you accentuate inflammation department of gynaecology?
针灸治疗坐骨神经痛好不好? 会不会加重妇科炎症?
There is no place for metaphor or analogy in this process, since these accentuate the superficial.
在此过程中没有隐喻和类推, 因为设计着重于表面.
Additionally, you can magnify a funny line by using the pause to accentuate your physical delivery.
另外, 你还可以使用肢体语言增强停顿的效果从而增强妙语的效果.
Lips Accentuate your new bluesy beat in simply sensational LipSlicks Hint of Mauve.
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