- 双语例句
Full adders are discussed, and a multiplexer based full adder is designed.
文章讨论几种全加器的设计, 并设计了一种基于数据选择器的全加器.
The adder is Britain's only venomous snake.
By far the most common snake in Britain is the adder.
Why, thou art as foul as the toal, and as loathsome as the adder.
看啊, 你跟蟾蜍一样地难看, 跟毒蛇一样地可恶.
This process requires that the adder used in multibit addition handle three inputs.
The circuits of 16 bit adder and 8 bit multiplier are successfully evolved.
Switched capacitor ( SC ) unit delayer , positive negative proportors and adder were designed using two phase clocks.
用二相时钟设计了对寄生电容低灵敏的开关电容单位延时器 、 负比例器和加法器.
Many say this, but I'm looking a longterm adder as well.
许多人这样说, 但我一看,以及长期加法器.
Aging factors on the role of the lives of repeated or supply process called " Adder. "
加龄因素对生命的不断重复作用或供应过程,叫作 “ 加法 ”.
He will suck the poison of serpents ; the fangs of an adder will kill him.
A fast 64 bit binary parallel adder for high performance microprocessors and DSP processors is presented.
The adder is also the only British snake with a poisonous bite.
Load the data to accumulator or adder according to the instruction.
Results show that the novel structure can realize the logic function of an adder successfully.
NIV He will suck the poison of serpents; the fangs of an adder will kill him.
16[和合]他必吸饮虺蛇的毒气, 14蝮蛇的舌头也必杀他.
Switched capacitor ( SC ) unit delayed, positive negative proportions and adder were designed using two phase clocks.
用二相时钟设计了对寄生电容低灵敏的开关电容单位延时器 、 正负比例器和加法器.
An adder attacked my father.
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