- 双语例句
Alchemist 400 Unlimited magic item repair ( excludes weapons and armor ).
炼金术士400可以修补任务魔法器具 ( 武器、防具除外 ).
The whole picture thus uses alchemist symbols to illustrate a spiritual journey to perfection.
Edward Elric is the Full Metal Alchemist.
Changed the Crazy Alchemist Potion so it always gives health and mana.
To make a long story short , Fullmetal Alchemist would be severely lacking without her.
He is a prodigy, becoming the youngest State Alchemist in the Army's history.
他是一个神童, 有史以来最年轻的国家炼金术师.
The word chemist was coined by shortening alchemist, and the term chemistry followed.
The Alchemist is my favorite novel.
Alchemist easier to upgrade than the pastor.
If you would like to order other Full Alchemist doujinshi, please write to us.
若是您想购买其他钢之鍊金术师同人志, 请来信询问.
He seems an alchemist, scooping out the true meaning of the building continuously, creating concise beauty.
他像是一位炼金术士, 不断挖掘建筑的真谛, 创造简约的美.
Kelley was a notorious forger, mystic and alchemist who was familiar with Cardan grilles.
凯利是个恶名昭彰的伪造者 、 秘主义者和炼金术士,相当熟悉卡丹格板.
Rissa was the first Alchemist to perfect the art of converting useless soft metals into mercury.
It is this burden that the young Alchemist is Edward Elric.
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