- 双语例句
There were problems aplenty at work.
There was food and drink aplenty.
I have troubles aplenty.
The final ten minute dash for the grid provided incident and talking points aplenty.
Sun chairs, tables etc are aplenty, but no pool bar.
太阳椅 、 桌子等都很多, 但没有游泳池酒吧.
While old characters are departing, there are aplenty.
老角色纷纷离去的时候, 就需要新人填补空白.
The Emperor's forces rediscovered human worlds, cast out alien oppressors, and claimed new territory aplenty.
帝皇的军队东征西讨,开疆拓土,重新发现一度失落的人类世界, 驱逐异星压迫者.
There's water aplenty there.
In any case, there remain dangers aplenty for the president in this expectations game.
无论怎样, 在这个预期游戏中,奥巴马仍面临着很多危险.
" Though we have to go without fish and meat , There are fruits and vegetables aplenty. "
鲜 肥属时禁,蔬果 幸 见尝.
——英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学
Climate change could indeed cause aplenty.
Commissions came in aplenty, through his favourite ones wer for the poor.
委托很多, 都是他关注的为穷人所做的项目.
Friends she had aplenty , but no one to call her own.
她的朋友很多, 但一个也谈不上是她自己的.
It has made mistakes aplenty down the years.
There were warning signs aplenty for their candidates as well ( Michael Gelb )
对他们的候选人同样也给予足够多的警告信号 ( 迈克尔盖尔布 )
They rushed into green vines and leaves aplenty with big and round pumpkins.
There's adventure aplenty waiting for you here.
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