- 双语例句
Barmaid: What would that be Mr. Donald?
酒吧女侍应生: 是什么呢,唐纳德先生?
Marilyn is a pretty girl but that new barmaid at our local pub leaves her standing.
Barmaid: I might have guessed that. We see a lot of different faces here.
酒吧女招待: 让我来猜猜. 我们在这里看到过各种各样的样子.
When the barmaid demanded, " Who wrote this? "
当吧台女招待问道, “ 这是谁写的? ”
He was chatting up a pretty barmaid.
Barmaid: I might have guessed that.
酒吧女招待: 让我来猜猜.
Miss Li is regarded as one of the best barmaid in the hotel.
Barmaid: Well, we have our share of regulars too.
酒吧女招待: 哦, 我们也有正规的一部分.
Marilyn is pretty girl but the new barmaid at our local pub leaves her standing.
Barmaid: Hi, bunny. What are you looking for?
酒吧女招待: 嗨, 宝贝. 你在找什么?
Barmaid by day, rebel leader by night.
白天是女招待, 晚上是叛乱分子的头儿.
Barmaid: Do you want a drink then , or not?
酒吧女招待: 你想喝点 什么 ?
The barmaid had positively refused to draw him any more liquor.
I hope to get another situation as barmaid soon.
There was a pause while the barmaid set down two plates in front of us.
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