- 双语例句
That's just a lot of blah.
What they say is blah.
There he goes , blah blah blah, talking nonsense as usual.
他又来这一套了,夸夸其谈, 像往常一样谈来谈去都是废话.
I thought: She'll probably get hit on the head and develop amnesia and blah blah blah.
Dress to kill! Blah!
穿好衣服才能去杀人.什么话 啊.
Get to the point. Not just blah blah blah.
He would say,'The church I belong and blah, blah blah and all that.
他会说 ‘ 我所在的教堂这样啦, 那样啦. ’
Establishing yourself, leaving a mark, fulfilling potential blahblah , blah.
打下自己的根基, 留下一个印记, 展示出惊人的潜能, 等等.
Are you feeling blah about your work and life?
Taylor is expected to step down Monday and hand over power to Vice President Moses Blah.
Then again, school uniforms can be pretty blah, right?
但话又说回来, 校服又很令人乏味, 对 吧 ?
You just need to look beautiful and talk about your passion and your creativity blahblah, blah.
你只要穿的漂漂亮亮的, 说说你的热情你的创造力什么什么就行了.
Policeman: Hello A bomb has exploded at blah blah bridge. Hurry up and send men . Hurry.
警察: 喂某某桥有地雷爆发, 快派人去快快!
For this exercise, you can also choose aspects of are neutral or just blah.
透过练习, 你亦可以选择那些浅薄的、废话的地方.
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