- 双语例句
Another defoamers, deinking agents, dispersants, brighteners, such as reinforcing agent in white paper chemical additives.
另有消泡剂 、 脱墨剂 、 分散剂 、 增白剂 、 显白增强剂等造纸化工助剂.
The powerful anti - greying agent and special brighteners help to keep my clothes and clean as new!
其中含有的 抗 变灰剂和亮洁剂,可避免衣物变灰暗,衣物经常光洁如新!
A good acid and alkali - resistant, resistant properties, is more popular on the market a fluorescent brighteners.
具有较好的耐酸,耐碱, 耐高温性能, 是目前市场上比较流行的一种荧光增白剂.
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