- 双语例句
Hannah: Have you seen the latest issue of Celeb? I've got my copy here.
汉娜: 你有没有看最新一期《名流》杂志? 我这里有一本.
Obviously, celeb attached to label equals celeb wearing label and getting photographed a lot.
显然, 明星和品牌联系在一起就意味着明星要穿这个品牌的衣服,拍很多宣传照.
If you could look like any other celeb, who would it be?
如果你想长得像其他名人, 那会是谁?
Venice is celeb rated for its beautiful buildings.
Before you became an artist, did you have any Korean celeb that you wanted to meet?
在你成为演员之前, 你有希望遇见的韩国名人 吗 ?
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