- 双语例句
Then join the two sentences using the Attributive Clause.
This sentence is an attributive clause.
The general clause has the function of concretion, equity, amendment and creation.
即一般条款具有法具体化功能, 法衡平功能, 法修正功能,法创设功能.
Real Madrid could buy out the clause if LA Galaxy were willing.
And over the years, the Copyright Clause has become a flashpoint for just such abuse.
这些年来, 著作权条款已经变成权利滥用的闪点.
What clause do you require in the contract?
Conjunction: The main clause is a guide.
连词: 主要是引导从句.
An interlock switch shall comply with the interlock switch endurance test of Clause 14.3.
A try statement may have more than one except clause, to specify handlers for different exceptions.
一个try语句可能包含多个except子句, 分别指定处理不同的异常.
The invalidity of one clause does not invalidate the agreement.
Just go and get them to change that little clause there then come back to me.
That's good. Do you have any comment to make on this clause?
那很好. 你对这一条有什么意见 吗 ?
However, you can change the condition to be a WHERE clause.
但是, 可将该条件更改为WHERE子句.
The textual function is realized as the thematic structure of clause as a message.
The sentence consists of a main clause and a subordinate clause.
International trade terms to explain: What is the MFN clause?
国际贸易名词解释: 什么是最惠国待遇条款?
You needn't worry about that. There is an arbitration clause in the contract.
你不用担心这一点, 合同里有仲裁条款.
The clause in the contract is insusceptible of another interpretation.
The clever lawyer can get round that clause.
The guiding precedent [ on the Commerce Clause ] is informative but inconclusive.
( 宪法的商业条款 ) 这一导向性的先例令人大开眼界但却带有不确定性.
The amount will automatically fluctuate up or down in accordance with the clause 5 herein.
The intention of the clause is clear.
In English, a clause acting as the subject of a sentence counts as singular.
在英语中, 一个从句在句子中用作主语时当成单数看待.
The third clause of the contract specifies steel sashes for the windows.
They joined with the monarchists to insert a clause calling for a popular vote on the issue.
This has, in fact, turned out to be a wonderful escape clause for dishonest employers everywhere.
He has a clause in his contract which entitles him to a percentage of the profits.
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