- 双语例句
Commander in Chief Anqieluodi also expresses commending to the team.
Team too crowded sports event arrangement, also has encountered the rocket Commander in Chief Adelman's criticism.
球队过于密集的赛事安排, 也遭到了火箭主帅阿德尔曼的批评.
Commander in Chief Zuo Shusheng reminds all member to want to take the Henan team.
And Rumsfeld neglected to inform the most important person of all: his Commander in Chief.
拉姆斯菲尔德甚至忘了通知最重要的人: 他的顶头上司.
The President's official duties include being Commander in Chief.
The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.
The commander in chief took the salute of the military review.
Now Chinese rice commander in chief already changes into, but Moladi remains unchanged to Ailanuo interest.
如今国米主帅早已换成, 但是莫拉蒂对埃拉诺的兴趣还是依然如故.
The new Commander in Chief Jia Xiuquan's arrival, needs an adaptation the process.
新主帅贾秀全的到来, 需要一个适应的过程.
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