- 双语例句
They drove the ponies into a corral.
If you are trying to think of new ideas, corral your pal as a sounding board.
如果你在尝试构思一些新的想法, 与你的好友围在一起,你会和他们产生共鸣和激荡的.
Led by Mr Corral, the 47 filed a motion of unconstitutionality with the Supreme Court.
接着, 这47位参议员在科洛尔先生的领导之下向国家最高法院集体提出,此法案的通过是完全不符合国家宪法的.
A little pig, a sheep and a dairy cattle were locked in corral.
一只小猪 、 一只绵羊和一头乳牛,被关在同一个畜栏里.
Decreased spending at places like Golden Corral has gone straight to the county budget's bottom line.
The kids were kept in the small corral.
But email is too widely distributed to corral into a any kind of structure now.
I took it outside and laid it on rail of the corral fence.
The cowboys rounded up the steers and herded them into a corral.
We built huge fires the corral and filled our house the dying sheep and goats.
The report of the gun stampeded the cattle and sent them milling about in the corral.
The cowboys have returned and we find ourselves back at the OK Corral.
A radical plan to corral Delhi's beggars, in contrast, has provoked little reaction.
相比之下, 一项把德里乞丐当作牲畜一样赶到一起的激进计划却并未引起多大反响.
After we corral the horses we'll have lunch.
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