- 双语例句
Male temporarily actuation, holding cummer the arms to hide into covert, very apace is done.
男的一时冲动, 抱着女友躲进树丛, 很快速地做起来.
They loosed the covert fear that Croft would be watching them.
Religion is often made the covert of crime.
The deer fled to a covert.
The leaders accused Iran's government of building a covert, underground plant to produce nuclear fuels.
The brush provided a covert for game.
Covert action is a stunning 3 D action game, took place in Germany after World War II.
隐秘行动是一款惊人的3D动作游戏, 发生在二战后的德国.
A reversible covert communication method based on integer linear transform and sorting was proposed.
He lieth under the shady trees , in the covert of the reed, and fens.
它伏在莲叶之下, 卧在芦苇隐密处和水洼子里.
The Turks perform covert operations on behalf of the Shinra company, including espionage, kidnappings and assassinations.
塔克斯(Turks)执行着神罗公司一半事务的秘密活动, 包括间谍活动, 绑架活动和暗杀活动.
Under the lotus plants he lies down, In the covert of the reeds and the marsh.
伯40:21他伏在莲叶之下 、 卧在芦苇隐密处、和水洼子里.
The covert channel can be divided into two types: simple covert channel and complex covert channel.
在研究隐蔽通道的检测方法时,可以将隐蔽通道分成两大类: 单一隐蔽通道和复合隐蔽通道.
The army carried out covert surveillance of the building for several months.
The financial deficit in China consists of central financial deficit and covert financial deficit.
We should learn to fight with enemy in an overt and covert way.
I now began to imitate his covert looks.
Motivation can be classified into two types: phenotype motivation and covert motivation, according to their transparency.
I have mastered the art of the surreptitious and covert glance over my shoulder.
Information hiding is used for covert communication, and it must have large capacity and high transparency.
信息隐藏主要用于隐秘通信, 因而信息隐藏强调大容量以及高透明性.
Cause is a covert element, and it has an independent position in syntactic structure.
“致使”是个隐性构件, 有独立的句法位置,还有音韵方面的要求.
Narcissism is a synthetical construction of personality, which has two forms: overt and covert narcissism.
自恋是一种形式多样化的综合性人格构造, 它具有两种不同的形式, 即 显性自恋和隐性自恋.
Their covert operators can now do their worst without fear of detection.
FALCO managed covert field operations teams in every major combat theater of the war.
The account should be the more covert the better.
She was now in the second year of active munitions production after long covert preparations.
Third, the aim of carrying out overt work is to begin covert work.
They have been supplying covert military aid to the rebels.
The depth of covert racism in my own profession frightens me.
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