- 双语例句
Describe the neurochemical and behavioral processes that are thought to underlie the development of alcoholic dementia.
They possessed a large share of that singular cunning which characterizes this form of dementia.
Objective To assess the efficacy of Naofucong capsule for vascular dementia ( VD ).
目的观察自拟脑复聪胶囊治疗血管性痴呆的 疗效.
Within the umbrella term "dementia" there are many different kinds of disease.
The disease is a form of dementia, in which patients are struck by progressive cognitive deterioration.
阿兹海默氏症是一种失智症, 患者会出现记忆力衰退及思考障碍.
Objective To study the therapeutic effect of Sermion on vascular dementia ( VD ).
目的评价脑通治疗血管性痴呆 ( VD ) 的疗效.
A brain tumor can cause a number of symptoms, including dementia.
脑瘤可以引起很多症状, 包括痴呆症.
The researchers found that dementia was more common in those with wilder bellies.
Objective To observe the effect of acupuncture and acupoint injection on dementia in elder.
She is suffering from senile dementia.
Low levels of DHA have recently been associated with depression, memory loss, dementia and visual problems.
DHA含量低也会引起情绪低落, 记忆力不好, 痴呆和视觉问题.
But education about dementia and possible treatments including medications is lacking, and Andrade say.
What exactly goes wrong with those suffering from senile dementia?
Hypertension also contributes to kidney failure and dementia, according to the World Health Organization.
The typical vascular dementia patient is male, and over the age of fifty.
Although older memories might seem unaffected, people with dementia might forget recent experiences.
Abuse of illegal drugs can also cause damage to the brain that results in dementia.
I thought: the elderly are forgetful, or dementia, ah!
我想: 老人是健忘还是痴呆啊!
Drinking heavily did not affect overall dementia.
As many as four million Americans live with some degree of dementia.
Alzheimer's disease ( AD ), one form of dementia, is a progressive, degenerative brain disease.
老年痴呆症是痴呆症的一种, 是一种逐渐发展的退化性脑部疾病.
There is even a medical condition called alcoholic dementia.
Dementia pugilistica is a neurological disorder caused repeated blows to the head, resulting in brain trauma.
拳击员痴呆是因连续的拳击头部造成的神经错乱, 最终会导致脑损伤.
Sleepless nights can cause dementia, aging and shorten life expectancy.
经常失眠可引起痴呆 、 早衰、缩短寿命.
A few studies even show protection against dementia, which can be related to cardiovascular problems.
少数的研究更指出,适度的饮酒可以防止痴呆, 因为痴呆可能与心血管疾病有关.
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