- 双语例句
What do you think about your merit and demerit? Can you give some example?
你认为你有哪些优点、缺点? 能不能各举一些例子说明 呢 ?
They might get a demerit.
The paper analyzes the demerit of conventional reliability evaluation method of function substitute model ( FSM ).
If this matter was known by the teachers in school, I would possibly get a demerit.
这件事万一被学校老师知道了, 说不定会被记过!
TV has its merit and demerit.
However, a most important feature of our browser covers the demerit of the speed performance.
但是, 最重要的特征包括浏览速度表现差劲.(包括?意思全反了. )
The merit of the RMB's rise is far in excess of its demerit for Chinese economy.
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