- 双语例句
BEAR: I dunno . applesauce anyway. It tastes great.
小熊: 我不知道.还做成苹果酱就行了. 苹果酱的味道好极了.
I dunno. She got a sister?
我不知道. 他有姊妹 吗 ?
JULES I dunno , however people meet people. She usta be an actress.
朱尔斯:不知道, 你管它呢. 她以前是个演员.
As for model changes, I dunno.
关于更改造型, 我不知道.
Dunno why. Maybe because're writing down what I'm saying about it as if it's important.
不知为何, 可能是因为如果它很重要的话, 你 在写我要说的关于它的东西.
Dunno. I was asking what London had to offer apart from fish and chips.
不知道. 我是想问,伦敦除开炸鱼和薯条还有啥子?
Oh, I dunno. Medium?
喔, 我不知道, 中等好了?
"How on earth did she get it?" — "I dunno."
I dunno; but it's pretty plain they wanted it.
我不知道, 但他们出去肯定有他们的道理.
" Dunno,'said Harry. " He can't be worse than Umbridge, can he? "
“ 不知道, ” 哈利说, “ 总不会比乌姆里奇还要糟糕吧? ”
I dunno if I should advertise it here, but ifasmaybe we could make a company.
最主要的是,写作可以激发我去思考, 只有思考才能让生活更充实.
I dunno what ta do now.
Dunno. It wouldn't be an answer because i'd just choose something that sounded cool.
不知道. 这没个准确的答案,我买的都是自己觉得不错的.
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