- 双语例句
Bridal mother understands everything to want successful, be in adjoining room eavesdrop.
新娘的母亲为了要了解一切是否顺利, 便在隔壁房间偷听.
He ensconced himself in the closet in order to eavesdrop.
She ensconced herself in the closet in order to eavesdrop.
I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard what's going on.
They're amazingly consistent if you eavesdrop on them during interviews: You'll hear plain, neutral, bland questions.
如果你偷听他们的采访,你会吃惊于他们的始终如一的风格: 你会听到朴素的 、 中立的 、 温和的问题.
Vernon zhong: you eavesdrop on the conversation of your uncle and me?
仲天骐: 你偷听我和你舅舅说话?
No, I'm not gonna do this, okay ? I'm not gonna eavesdrop on my friend.
噢, 我不会那么做的. 我不会偷听我朋友的.
Power sockets can be used to eavesdrop on what people type on a computer.
Xia zhi xing: i just passed by by chance not eavesdrop.
夏之星: 我只是刚好经过,不是偷听.
When you're in touch with your soul, you eavesdrop on the wisdom of the universe.
当你接触你的灵魂时, 你可能窃听宇宙的智慧.
Suddenly found a group of animals in ji ji cooing with what, then go to eavesdrop.
突然发现一大群小动物围在一起叽叽咕咕说着什么, 便去偷听.
Go to a place where there are a lot of people and eavesdrop on a conversation.
It is not polite to eavesdrop on the conversation of other people.
The only way to find out is eavesdrop on the conversations my mom and dad had.
The speech of a senior diplomat by eavesdrop.
She stopped to eavesdrop her husband � � s phone talk.
Walking slowly because you're afraid we'll eavesdrop, aren't you? "
走得慢吞吞的,怕我们听见, 是不是? ”
——汉英文学 - 围城
I could have sworn several people behind us were walking close enough to eavesdrop.
Phoebe : Oh , I'm not gonna do this, okay? I'm not gonna eavesdrop on my friend.
噢, 我不会那么做的, 好吧? 我不会偷听我朋友的.
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